Monday 23 September 2013

Research into cinematography - Miss Miller

Research into cinematography - Grave Encounters
Cinematography is the art or science of motion picture photography. In my blog I will be talking about the different camera angles/shots I have used to analyse the film I have chosen, 'Grave Encounters'.

Firtsly, I have used the mid shot camera angle which allows the characters to be the main focus for the audience during this scene. I believe this shot has been used to show the fear and emotion shown by the character so the audience can also sympathise with the characters and what they are feeling.

My second shot also shows the different emotions felt by the characters as it is the camera shot panning, this camera shot has been used in this scene twice, first of all it has been used to pan from character to character to also show the emotion of the charaters, it has alsom been used to pan across the room that the characters are in and it is showing the audience what the charaters can see.

Thirdly, I have used the zooming in technique which was used to increase the focus on the mysterious object in the distance in the trailer which allows the audience to also focus on the object. By using this camera angle it creates suspense and tension for the audience watching the clip. the technique is used very well as it allows the audience to focus on the figure in the distance and the main characters of the film.

1 comment:

  1. You have shown a very basic understanding of camera shots and their purpose.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Use the PEER format throughout your analysis
    2) Elaborate on your points further and explain what their purpose is and what they create for the audience
    3) Relate your points back to thriller genre and explain how the shots help build a relationship between the characters and the audience
    4) Analyse one more point
    5) Inlcude your URL link and screen shots for each point
