Monday 14 October 2013

Research into the sound used in thrillers - Miss Miller

Research into the sound used in thrilllers
The clip that I have decided to use for my research into sound blog is Scream 3. The scene that I have chosen to use, I believe, is very good in terms as it uses many different uses of sound techniques.
The first sound technique that I have picked up on and have chosen to analyse is the use of parallel sound. In the clip that I am analysing I can see that the film producer has used parallel sound as they have showed the scene in the film with the type of music that the audience would expect for this type of scene. In the scene that I am talking about it shows two ladies who are scared of what is going to happen to them but also one of their friends (0:00-0:09). The music complements the scene very well as it helps set the scene and it also helps the audience feel what the characters can feel as well as feeling worried themselves, this sound technique helps create the tension and suspense for the audience as it keeps them enticed in the film and worried about the characters as if it was them in that situation.
The second sound technique that I realised that was used in the film was the use of non-diegetic sound. I can tell the sound has been added/edited in after the scene was filmed as the sound is not on sound is not on screen so this shows me that it was added on after (0:14-0:20). The use of non-diegetic sound and it also not being on screen sound leads me on to my third technique that I realised the film producers decided to use was the use of off screen sound. The use of off screen sound shows to me and the audience that it makes the sense of the film more dynamic and create and build more suspense and tension for the audience to feel as it leads to a bigger and more scarier scene.
The fourth technique that I realised the film producers used was the use of diegetic sound (0:43-0:58). This sound technique is used as it goes with the natural sound that we as the audience would expect to hear in a certain scene. For example in this scene we can hear the knife being stebbed into the victim which we would expect to hear, what we would also expect to hear is her screaming and this is what we hear immediately after her being stabbed the use of diegetic sound is useful as it makes the audience feel her pain and suffering in this scene.
Technique number five that I found was used in the film was sound bridge. The use of sound bridge allows the camera to show something going on then go back to the other characters and what they are doing after seeing the victim die (0:59-1:05). The use of sound bridge also creates tension for the audience as it allows the other characters to watch their friend be killed and dragged away from them and then they react after the sound has filled the gap between them seeing her dead body being dragged away and them reacting. I believe this is a good technique to use as it helps build suspense for the audience going into the next set of events/scene.

1 comment:

  1. You have shown a goo understanding of the different sound techniques analysed, but have not explained what the sound is that we can hear or how it then creates certain emotions/reactions. You have analysed your fourth and fifth points well, but need to do the same for the rest.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain why sound is used in thrillers in your intro
    2) Include a URL link
    3) Explain what sound we hear for each sound technique and how they then create certain emotions/reactions from the audience
    4) Relate all points back to the thriller genre and the audience
    5) Read through and check grammar etc.
