Thursday 24 October 2013

Target Audience Results - Miss Miller

Target Audience Results
This blog is going to show the results that I have found from my questionnaire, I am also going to show my results in the form of pie charts, this is a good way to show my results as they show the options of each question and the answers that I was given. The reason behind the research was to find out what we should use as our starting sequence to our own thriller film. We will take the research and looking at the results, take what we have found and look to implement that into our opening sequence for our thriller film.

1. Looking at our results I can see that the majority of the people that were asked our questionnaire are over the age of 18 so therefore we can already tell that these people have experienced different types of thriller films, so they can give us better ideas as we look to create our own thriller.By having this better experience that are in our results I believe it will give us ideas that we did not think of and maybe develop these ideas and come up with some of our own.
2. Most of our answers were from males. Already this tells me that thrillers tend to be enjoyed more by males than females as these types of films tend to be scary or jumpy, so the results do not surprise m. This also gives me a better idea of our target audience so we know who to aim at with our own thriller.
3. By looking at our results I can tell that many people prefer to watch 18 rated films, this tells me that the films that they watch are films that contain many different techniques that would not be in other certificates, for example 15s or 12As. Seeing this result I can tell that the better films that are produced are those that are produced with certain techniques in them, these techniques are ones such as more in depth fighting scenes and killings.
4. The most interesting thing that was picked most in our results was the use of hidden identity in a thriller film. This shows my group and I that many people prefer to see the use of the hidden identity technique as it creates a sense of mystery and tension to the film, this already tells me and my group that we should use this technique to bring a twist to our film and create tension and suspense which is also a big technique in creating thriller films.
5. Looking at our results they show that many viewers expect to see a murder and a victim. Obviously these two characters are used in most if not every thriller film so obviously we are going to be using these two characters in our film. By using these two characters it allows the audience to try and figure out which characters are playing which role, I believe this brings another twist into the film as changing the way and the almost certain outcome of the film it creates more tension and suspense for the audience.
6. Many of the audience that were asked our questions believe that many films that are made are better with sequels to these films. Many people believe that films with sequels are better with sequels as these films normally pick up where the first film has left off and sometimes are better than the first film.
7. Many viewers believe that the use of tension building sound helps build tension as well as the scene itself. The use of tension building music plays a huge part in thriller films as obviously watching a film with no or little sound is not going to have the same affect as a film with this type of music.
8. The character that was most liked to be seen in a thriller film was a victim, I believe this is because the audience can sometimes relate to the victim as the audience, during the film, can feel the same sort of fear that the victim can feel this character is the one that the audience focus on the most as they are the victim or one of the victims.
9. Many viewers that answered the questionnaire believe that the actors whould be of similar ages to each other as this would make the film seem more realistic as you would not really see many people of different age groups unless they were related, which in this case they are not. I believe using actors of similar ages shows that the film is more realistic and that also the characters have that in common and that they can symbolise that as they are of similar age that they can and are friends in this film.
10. Many of the viewers said they would prefer to see a film that is set in a dark location as it helps to build tension and suspense during the film for the audience to feel whilst watching the film. By using this technique I can see that many thriller films use dark locations to film certain scenes in but this is a typical convention of a thriller film as it builds tension and creates suspense for the audience whilst watching.
11. Using our results it tells us that if we were going to use any sub genres that we should use the genre of horror. Both genres thriller and horror go together very well as killing scenes can be the use of horror. Horror and thriller like I have said go together very well as they compliment each other and create tension and suspense for the audience.
12. Most of the viewers of thriller films that answered our questionnaire said that they would prefer to see a happy ending to a thriller film. I believe this is because after seeing the characters go through certain scenes in films, for example losing their best friend or someone close to them, it allows the character and the audience to feel the same relief that the character is feeling when the film has ended. I believe this is a good way to end a thriller as many people, as I have just explained, like to see this type of ending to a thriller film unless their is going to be a sequel to this film then more than likely the film will end with a cliff hanger to build tension leading into the next film. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a detailed explanation of the purpose of your research and analysed your results in depth, explaining what you have found and what this implies for your sequence for most of them. You need to include a paragraph on open questioning, explaining why it is used and providing and analysing an example question/results.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Inlcude a paragraph explaining why open quesitons are used, giving an example of one and an analysis of the results for it
    2) Use PEER to analyse some of your points in more depth
    3) Make sure you mention how the results may impact your sequence and how you might include them
    4) Read through and check spelling etc.
    5) Include your pie charts/copy of questionnaire/vox pops
