Monday 9 December 2013

Opening Scenaration - Miss Miller

Opening Scenaration
for my groups opeing scene we have shown the victim's house, we then go on to show that the victim is being watched and that the killer manages to enter the victims house as she leaves. he then waits for her to return before making a move that would harm her or her family. our first frame shows the victims house during the day it then jumps to a night scene, this creates tension and suspense. as the camera rotates around the house it shows various opportunities where the murderer could actually enter her house.

As the tension builds to the murderer getting into the victims house, the tension building music begins to play to create more tension and suspense that is built towards the killing scene. the use of different angles that show entrance points into the house is very good as it shows how accessible these entrance points are to the killer.

After we see the panning of the house, the suspenseful music then begins, we then see that the murderer has gained access to the house and is now waiting to attack the victim. We then see that the victims phone begins to ring it shows that the called is called silent. By creating more suspense which is building towards the murder scene creates more fear for the audience as they begin to feel the fear of the character. The lights to the house are then cut and all is silent, we then focus on the victim again, we then hear her scream and the killer has struck. 

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very basic recount of some of your narrative, and not explained it in a frame by frame recount; this is supposed to be like telling a story, not analysing what you have used etc.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain your narrative in a frame by frame recount, explaining what cinematography/sounds have been used and when (can see what in each frame)
    2) Don't worry about analysing why they have been used too much (briefly where relevant)
    3) Include a summary explaining how certain elements have helped make your sequence conventional to the genre
    4) Read through and double check spelling etc.
