Thursday 21 November 2013

Cinematography Planning - Miss Miller

Cinematography Planning
Cinematography is used in many films as well as thriller films, in thriller films cinematography is very important as it can show many different angles and shots as well as portray different character's to what the audience may have expected. The use of different angles in our film is very evident, we have looked to use many different angles and shots to create as much tension and suspense we can to produce the best thriller film we can. By using different angles throughout our film it allows the audience to see whether a certain character is more powerful than others. It can also be useful for focusing on a certain object, this is because it may be used in a later part of the film and play a big part in the film.

The audience will also be able to relate to the characters as the use of zooming in on a character allows the audience to see what they are feeling throughout a certain scene. By doing this they may feel the same way that the character does. Also by using angles like these it is conventional to the thriller genre as it shows the emotion that the character is feeling, this can build tension throughout the scene which could be building up to a killing scene.
Our first camera angle that we look to use is mid shot. This shows the main character straight away at the start of the film, this shows that this character is the main focus of the scene and that something may happen to them. As this character is the main focus for the scene it blurs out any background interference as this character is the main focus.
The second example of angles that we have chosen to use is the use of high angles to show that this character is also vulnerable and inferior during the scene. By doing this it allows the audience to see that this character is vulnerable and innocent.

 The opposite angle that we would use to portray that the murderer is superior would be the use of low angle, this shows he is stronger and superior to the victim. We also look to use both these angles to portray the vulnerability and superiority of both characters.

Our third example that we look to use is establishing shot, by using this shot it shows the audience the surroundings that the characters are in, by using this technique I think that it allows the audience to gather ideas of what might happen in the next few scenes. By using an establishing shot it can show what the characters are working in and if the area is dark and mysterious it helps build tension towards the up and coming scenes.

We also look to use panning throughout our film as well as using the handheld technique. The technique of panning will allow us to focus on a moving object throughout the film, this could be used through a running scene or moving around a character to show emotion.

By using handheld it will allow us to show a sense of urgency into the scene and create more tension as things become chaotic.

I believe we will also look to use other techniques, for example zooming in as it can bring importance to a character or an object and also creates tension and suspense. By using all of these techniques it will create much tension and show many conventional features throughout the thriller.

The next camera angle that we look to use is the use of point of view. By using a camera angle like this it allows the audience to see what this character sees and if it is the victim, to create more suspense throughout the scene we could use sound effects, for example a heartbeat to also create tension. We would use something like this just before a killing scene to make the audience feel as if they were running away from a murderer.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very basic recount of some of the camera angles you plan on using within your sequence, explaining briefly what they will show,but not what this will create.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Explain what you hope these angles will help create for the audience and WHY
    2) Explain how the audience will be able to build a relationship with characters/relate to the situation better through use of cinematography
    3) Explain how they relate to the thriller genre
    4) Analyse at least one more camera angle
    5) Include a summary explaining how and why you think the use of these camera angles etc. will help produce a better and more conventional sequence
