Tuesday 19 November 2013

Group Storyboard - Miss Miller

Group Storyboard
The purpose of the group storyboard is to gather our thoughts and ideas and produce a final idea in a storyboard. We looked to incorporate different ideas from every member of the group and we still changed and improved ideas that we had put together. 

By having a 30 minute discussion my group and I managed to create a final group storyboard, we believe that these are our best ideas put into one to make the best film we can. My group consists of Ellie and Blessing, we have each focused on what we wanted to see in a thriller film whether that was through past experiences or conventional themes and features to a thriller film.

As a group we included many different conventions into our film that we felt we needed, for example a blonde female victim and a murderer that is dark and mysterious or a murderer that has a hidden identity. All of this planning has gone into our storyboard to help us form and produce a film.

By planning our storyboard together as a group we were able to look at how long each scene would be and what we could get done in each time frame. By creating the final storyboard together it also allowed us as a group to decidewhich type of shots we were going to use and also decide where the shooting would take place as well as what both characters would be wearing during the scene and also how the scene would pan out.

1 comment:

  1. you have provided a basic explanation of why you have created a group storyboard and what you did to decide its content; however, you have not given any examples of ideas taken on board or explained why you decided to do this.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Include a paragraph for each group member, explaining a minimum of one idea taken on board from their individual narrative and why that idea was chosen over others
    2) You need to explain why you created a group storyboard in terms of getting various interpretations of the scene etc.
    3) Include pictures of all of your group storyboard
    4) Explain how this has made you sequence better in a summary
